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Online Commerce Disputes

Usually, online transactions go smoothly, but occasionally disputes arise between the seller and the buyer. If you have problems with your online purchase, contact the seller directly by e-mail and explain your issue. Follow up with a certified letter if you do not get a response.

TIP: If you used a credit card, you can dispute the charges through your credit card issuer.

SIDEBAR: If you believe that a Web site is committing fraudulent business practices, you can contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center at or 202.323.3205.

Can I sue an online retailer?

Yes. However, there is a problem with deciding which state law may or may not apply, since the transaction occurred over the Internet or in "cyberspace." Your best option is to work out the dispute using an online alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service.

TIP: Disputes regarding eBayŽ transactions, for instance, are resolved through SquareTrade (